Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nature vs Nurture

I agree with MM Lee’s comments to a certain extent. I feel that the parents’ genes do play a part in determining whether the children are smart. However, there are exceptions. If one of or both the parents are non-graduates, it does not mean that the child will not be smart. Perhaps, the non-graduate parent/parents are smart but were born to poor family. Their family most likely could not afford tertiary education and therefore, the potential of the parents are not entirely unleashed. Therefore, their children are likely to be smart too and may excel if given the proper education. I also agree with the point that children born in poor families are less likely to get into top schools. The parents of these children often have to work very hard in order to earn enough money to keep the family going. As a result, they are not able to spend much time with their children and make sure that their children do their work. Some of the children may end up using the time when their parents do not monitor them to play games or watch television. Moreover, the parents of these children cannot afford tuition for them and hence, the children may be unable to catch up with their peers. However, a minority of children born to poor families do get into top schools. Some of these children were determined to break out of the poverty cycle after experienced it in their childhood and are motivated to work hard in order to get a good job in future.

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